Feeling out of control with your credit cards and other forms of debt? You might be thinking you need some help to get your finances in order, but not sure where to go for help.
Here's the first thing you need to know: You are not alone.
Many people aren't sure where to turn when facing mounting debt or trouble managing their credit cards. And to make matters worse and more confusing, there are plenty of scams out there that promise help, but only end up costing you time and money.
So here's the good news. We are here to help.
We are certified by the National Association of Credit Counselors. We have been trained, tested and take continuing education courses so that we are ready and able to help you take charge of your finances. We are easy to talk with and will always make you feel comfortable talking frankly about your personal finances, and we'll give you the tools, encouragement and guidance you need to have a better life.
Here's the first thing you need to know: You are not alone.
Many people aren't sure where to turn when facing mounting debt or trouble managing their credit cards. And to make matters worse and more confusing, there are plenty of scams out there that promise help, but only end up costing you time and money.
So here's the good news. We are here to help.
We are certified by the National Association of Credit Counselors. We have been trained, tested and take continuing education courses so that we are ready and able to help you take charge of your finances. We are easy to talk with and will always make you feel comfortable talking frankly about your personal finances, and we'll give you the tools, encouragement and guidance you need to have a better life.